Foxi N24+N15

Foxi N24+N15

   Foxi N24+N15 2   Foxi N24+N15 3

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Only a few know that the Romanian Health Insurance Houses compensate a big procent (90%) of the prices from the ortopaedic shoeware and foot-correction insoles. To obtain this compensation you need the prescription (receipt) of the footware by the ortopaedic specialist, with which the patient has to the Health Insurance House for compliting the procedure

SC AKTAPA ORTOPEDICA has contract with the Healt Insurance Houses from the following counties: Alba, Bihor, Covasna, Galaţi, Hunedoara, Maramureş, Mehedinţi, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Vâlcea. For their contact details, pleas click here .

For contacting the Healt Insurance House from Bihor county, here you can find the address:
Casa de Asigurări de Sănătate Bihor
Adresă: Şos. Borsului Km. 4, Oradea, jud. Bihor
Tel.: 0259-476-827
TELVERDE: 0.800.800.969
Fax: 0259/476.827
E-mail: e-mail@casbh.rdsor.ro
Web: www.casbh.rdsor.ro

For further information please click here .